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Saturday, November 9, 2013


Is this internal struggling with me or is there really a thing here that is her?  And you need to know, her is him, my husband.

First - Let me paint a picture for you.  I will call my husband Clark Kent, I will call his femme name Lois Lane and I will just "B", you know, for B!tch.  That will be me.  No, I'll be Catwoman.  ("I am Batman".)   Lois and I are sitting at our kitchen table, it's early in the morning, still dark outside.  I have just made coffee and put our breakfast in the oven.  One of our sons friends comes out and states my son and his fiance are going to bed now so he is going to hang out with us.  I tell Lois, she should change her clothing to something more appropriate, less revealing.  She won't.  She basically says she thinks her attire is fine.  I can see her underwear and the crack of her butt.  I am so hurt.  Hurt.  It's not my feelings that she won't change clothing, its more like, I see she's advertising herself as available to this young man. She's sitting there in lingerie and thinks it's ok.  This is not the Playboy Mansion.

Oh Boy.  Catwoman needs to reel herself in here.  Lois is now squatting in front of the young man, fixing his cell phone charger for him.  Legs slightly spread, frontal view. 

You have to understand Lois.  She likes men to look at her and she has no problem showing them just enough of what they wanna see.  Just that peek.
Nice Ass, yea? .... YEA!

Wait a minute here.....I am JEALOUS!  THIS ISN'T RIGHT!

I'm somewhat in attack mode with her.  I'm starting to verbalize my hurt but it comes out as anger with her that she is "out of line" with me.  I demand she need changes.  She still refuses.  Lois is always telling me she's not inappropriate with her attire, even when she is.  Oh well.

I don't know what to do.  I'm going to go get into a nice warm bath and get warm.  I so want to be with Lois but she is always trying to compete with me for any male attention there is.  And she wants to make sure she is the one that gets picked.  I don't get it.   Why does she want to hurt me?

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