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Saturday, November 29, 2014


As time goes on, I start to see just how "stuck" Angel and I have gotten ourselves.  Day in and day out.  Eat,.... Work...., Drink,.... Eat..... Drink.....  Sleep..... WEEKEND!!!  YEAH!

Something fun now, right?  Being a Crossdresser's Wife, you already know it will be fun!  Let's plan something.  Will there be two women or just one?  Two?  OK!  It's been discussed, decided and agreed upon.

Angel will be coming.  My Angel Baby it is and OFF we go.  Wherever, we just go.  Maybe we just go and make all left turns until we get to where we want.  Maybe this weekend, it's right turns.  I plan out everything we will be wearing.  I got us ALL the sexiest stuff and boy oh boy does she look hot!  I've got her panties, pretty bra that is sheer, see through so you can see her areola and nipples pointing out.  Me personally, I was never so well endowed as those breast forms., We have garter belt, stilleto heels, and pantyhose.  Sex toys, well, I can't tell everything can I? We have the ultimate, absolute BLAST with our girls only weekend together and we fall in love all over again.

READY..... SET..... WORK WEEK!!!  We start all over.

Here comes Wednesday and we thinkin' 'bout the weekend.  Let's plan something.  Can I be the only woman this time and you be the man?  Yep.  I am the Lady of the Weekend.  It's been discussed, decided and agreed upon.  I am so giddy with excitement.  It's my turn to be put up on the pedastal, admired, adorned, waited on, fawned over then sent to blissful fulfillment..  YOWZER, Yowzer, yowzer!

I plan out exactly what I will be wearing every second of both days.  Spiky heels, the garter belts, bras, panties, pantyhose and something slinky and sexy.  Sure to keep his attention.

While we are traveling to our destination, I am just daydreaming about how horny and hot this will get.  Just like last weekend but this time, I receive.  YUM.

So, we get there, check in, get the room and tote the luggage up to the room.  We immediately begin to set the stage and unpack our bags.  I glance over to see what he's brought for the weekend.  Maybe that buff outfit I got him that makes his ass look so plump and perky.  One, two, maybe more toys.

I'm leanin' over to take a peek when I see him hastily stuff a wig and some lingerie into one of the lower dresser drawers.  Say What!

"Yo..... Baby", I say, "what's that stuff?"  He quickly replies, "Oh, that's Angels stuff for later."

I somewhat snap back in a panicky voice, "But I thought it was my turn, we agreed."
He quickly retorts, "But you never said anything about later though."

Now, I know, we said he and I would be together for the weekend.  No dressing.  I needed some time with him alone.  Boy oh boy, I guess I heard that one wrong.

From that time forward in my life as a crossdresser's wife, we have not been out on vacation without him dressing.  No matter what is said and agreed, it's never what we first decided. He always somehow assumes it is a crossdressing vacation for him.

Don't take any of this the wrong way.  I am married to a crossdresser.  He told me and introduced me before we were married so, I went in with eyes wide open and completely in love with him and her.   It's not the dressing that gets me, it's the dishonesty.

He has made plans with me for some outstanding outtings.  He be building me up all week long about how romantic it will be - only for me to get to the destination and see the romance he has planned is for him and her.  I am the third wheel.  He tells me to join in but the truth is he does not see me there at all.  I am the warm body needed to complete the task when his femme side is present.  It has only gotten worse over the years.

We have yet to break the cycle we are in.  We talk about it but never come to any kind of compromise or resolution.  I have some suggestions for solutions but there is no compromise.  I guess I just gotta keep myself busy and let this one run it's course.

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